PDF Flavors

PDF Flavor - Which one is best for you ?

Answering that question, brings up many questions and bears some discussion of what are the differences. A higher version does not presume a "better" PDF and in some cases works against you.

What is the difference between versions PDF 1.2 to PDF 1.6 ?

Each version roughly parallels the release of a major version of Adobe Acrobat. The short overly simple answers:

In deciding which version you choose for export, you need to consider the following:

What about other kinds of PDF I have read about, like PDF-X and PDF-A ?

PDF marked as any of the following: PDF/X-1:2001, X-1a:2001 and 2003; X-2:2003; X-3:2002 and 2003 are all different flavors of PDF-X, which is a way of creating a PDF with certain criteria for pre-press. Scribus supports the latest PDF-X-2:2003. Support for other versions of PDF/X is planned.

PDF-A is a draft ISO standard based on PDF 1.4 for long term storage of public documents in an open format.